How to Safely Remove a Tick—And Make Sure You Don’t Get Bitten Again

The longer the tick stays in your skin, the higher your chances of contracting Lyme disease.

Because of all the time you spend outside running, it’s important to know how to properly remove a tick. If a tick is left in your skin for more than 36 hours, it puts you at risk for Lyme disease. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). there are many species of ticks, and they can be found across most of America.

The most important step for avoiding any effects of a tick bite is to do a thorough tick check after spending time outdoors, even your backyard. Don’t be content looking at your arms and ankles, since ticks often attach in hard to reach places like the armpit or groin, including beneath your clothing.

Showering after a ride is often a great time to do this check. For hard to see places, like your back, use a mirror or ask a friend to look for you. If you do find a tick, remove it quickly.

While there are plenty of popular myths about the best way to remove a tick, we prefer that championed by the CDC. The only tool you’ll need is a fine-tipped tweezers, and we recommend this one.

Read the full article by JAMES LYNCH on Runner's World's website here.


October 23, 2024

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