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33,600+ Shoppers Gave This Bug Spray Five Stars—They Call It Their ‘Secret Weapon’ Against Mosquitoes

There’s even a natural, DEET-free version, too.

Backyard grilling and beach season is upon us, which means so are all the bugs that love to invade the lovely al fresco dining and leisure experience. While bigger protocol is required to get rid of bugs from your entire outdoor area, you can take smaller steps to prevent them from landing on you and biting you. And the solution is conveniently available at Amazon—at a 56 percent discount, too.

Mosquito magnets rejoice, because the Repel 100 Insect Repellent is the summer essential that will let you actually enjoy being outside in peace. With more than 33,600 five-star ratings, this bug spray is a shopper favorite that offers 10 hours of protection against mosquitoes, but also all other insect nemeses like gnats, flies, no-see-ums, and more.

Read the full article by Euna Park on Real Simple's website here.


May 6, 2024

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