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Mosquitoes Are Back

Why it matters: As overnight temperatures rise, Culex mosquitoes will begin to hatch. They can carry the West Nile virus. About 1 in 5 people have symptoms and it can be deadly. Last year, 19 California residents died.

What can I do? The solution is easy, simple and cheap. Wear insect repellent and cover up with pants and long sleeves.

Continue reading to learn more, written by Jackie Fortiér.


August 13, 2024

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Jackie Fortier

I cover health in Southern California.

I started in this newsroom in March 2020. I’ve won two Region Murrow Awards for my coverage of the pandemic, but my favorite part of my job is talking to smart and interesting folks about their health experiences.

I previously worked in public radio in Oklahoma and Colorado, but I’ve fallen in love with the mountains and beaches of California. If you listen closely when I’m live on the radio on LAist 89.3, you may hear my cat make an appearance — despite my best efforts to keep her quiet.

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