How to Make Your Water Filter Last Forever

Water filters are crucial components to any backpacker’s kit, and they require special care and maintenance to ensure longevity and effectiveness in providing clean drinking water in the backcountry. The specifics of water filter care and maintenance depend on the type, brand, and model; always read and follow the manufacturer’s instructions when caring for your water filter. That said, there are a number of general principles that every backpacker should know when it comes to maintaining, cleaning, and storing water filters.

Types of Backpacking Water Filters
First off, familiarize yourself with your filter and how it compares with other varieties on the market. All filter types—whether pump, gravity, squeeze, or other—require slightly different care and cleaning techniques. In addition, the filter mechanism itself dictates proper care. Hollow fiber filter cartridges are most commonly found in backpacking filters. Some others use ceramic materials like those in MSR’s MiniWorks line. Make sure you know what type of water filter you own before cleaning it.

Continue reading to learn more about how to make your water filter last forever, written by Zoe Gates.


November 26, 2024

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