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Sawyer Training - Repelente de insectos con permetrina para ropa, equipo y tiendas de campaña

For use on clothing, tents, sleeping bags, and other outdoor gear, Sawyer Permethrin is more than just an insect repellent — it actually kills ticks, mosquitoes, spiders, chiggers, mites, and more than 55 other kinds of insects. Permethrin is also effective against the Yellow Fever Mosquito, which can transmit the Zika Virus.

Providing a fantastic odorless barrier of protection, a single application of Permethrin lasts for 6 weeks or 6 washings. Using it on outdoor gear also helps reduce the mosquito population in your camp and prevents ticks from attaching to you.

Maximize protection from mosquitoes and ticks by combining Permethrin with Sawyer Picaridin, an effective and comfortable topical repellent.

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