4th of July Trail: Nederland’s Gem (Arapaho Pass + Lake Dorothy)

Written By: Noel Krasomil

The 4th of July Trail is just a short drive from my hometown, yet I’d never experienced its staggering beauty until my recent hike exploring its wide-open spaces. Hiking the trail’s breathtaking Arapaho Pass to the pristine Lake Dorothy blew my mind at every single turn. It was worth the 32-year-long wait.

Nestled in the heart of Indian Peaks Wilderness outside of Nederland, Colorado, this 7.2-mile out-and-back trail winds through the Roosevelt National Forest and reads like a backcountry explorer’s dream.

Sparkling fields of bright wildflowers dot the landscape. Chirping marmots scurry about the alpine forest. Birds of prey soar through the bright blue skies above. Remnants of an abandoned 19th-century gold mine collect rust at 11,000 feet. Towering mountain peaks nudge their way into the clouds. Rugged hiking trails move towards potential backcountry adventures on the horizon.

Want to learn more about the 4th of July Trail? Keep reading. I’ll tell you everything you need to know to plan an idyllic Rocky Mountain adventure of your own here.


October 19, 2024

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La vida empaquetada

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Hola, mundo. Soy Noel Krasomil, el responsable de The Packable Life. Soy un treintañero de Colorado (Estados Unidos) que busca senderos, ofertas, comida callejera y está obsesionado con los blogs. Llevo más de un año trabajando a tiempo completo como escritor de viajes, y no veo el final.

He creado The Packable Life para inspirar a otros a viajar, hacer senderismo y escribir en blogs con un propósito: ser más fuertes, más centrados y más inspirados cada día en la carretera. Quiero retarte a hacer la maleta más ligera, viajar más, ir de excursión más lejos y bloguear de forma más inteligente.

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