Backpacking Across Scotland Gear List – May 2024

I’ll be hiking coast-to-coast across Scotland in a few weeks for the third time in the annual TGO Challenge. This is a non-competitive event where backpackers, called Challengers, have 15 days to hike from the west coast to the east coast. To make things interesting, everyone defines the route they want to hike, with the goal of climbing as many mountains as they can or seeing as many sights as possible along the way. The goal is not to finish before you have to, but to pack in as many experiences as you can between the start and the end.

I’ll be starting in Oban on the west coast and will be hiking to Montrose on the east coast, following a more southerly route than on my previous crossings to experience some new areas of the country. I’ll stay in two inns along my route, two campgrounds, and spend eleven nights wild camping along the way.

You can read the complete write up written by Philip Werner.


November 1, 2024

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Sección Excursionista

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Philip Werner es un autor de actividades al aire libre y mochilero a tiempo completo que reside en Nueva Inglaterra. Su sitio web está clasificado como el blog de senderismo y mochilero número 1 de internet por en 2018, 2019, 2020 y 2021.

El nombre de este sitio, Section Hiker, hace referencia al Long Trail que recorrí en 2008 y al Applachian Trail que todavía estoy recorriendo. Hasta la fecha, he completado 1400 millas del AT y espero completar todas las secciones entre Georgia y Maine algún día. También he recorrido el TGO Challenge (de costa a costa por Escocia) dos veces y actualmente estoy recorriendo el Cape Wrath Trail, también en Escocia.

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This lightweight, 2-ounce filter removes bacteria, protozoa, cysts, sediment, and 100 per cent of microplastics.

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