Los 12 mejores repelentes de mosquitos para proteger a su familia

Acaba con la temporada de mosquitos con uno de estos mejores repelentes que puedes comprar.

Written by: Maryn Liles

Cómo elegir el mejor repelente de insectos

Ah, the sweet summer months are now upon us, which means picnics in the park, fun BBQ ideas, days at the pool…and mosquitos. Hopefully, you don’t live in one of the most mosquito infected cities in the US, but you can still get bitten almost anywhere.

And although mosquitos have not been shown to transmit COVID, they can ruin your evening and leave you itching and scratching for days. Luckily, there are plenty of safe and simple ways to keep mosquitos at bay, from plants that repel mosquitos and natural bug repellents to mosquito-repelling lawn treatments and EPA-approved bug sprays. The challenge is to pick the right one.

“When choosing a personal repellent, make sure you match your insect repellent to the environment you are going to be in, as well as your activity,” says Tania Elliott, MD, an internist, allergist, and immunologist. “Different repellents offer a varied range of active ingredients, strengths, and lengths of protection.” Keep in mind: “The higher the percentage of the active ingredient (i.e. DEET), the longer one application will last,” she adds.

Continue reading about key ingredients, how to properly apply, and even natural repellent remedies here.


October 23, 2024

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