Wine To Water goes beyond water in documentary addressing global water crisis and how individuals can make an impact

Global water organization to host a screening of newly released film for Texas dignitaries

We are pleased to host this groundbreaking premiere event in the heart of Texas”— Doc Hendley, founder of Wine To Water

DALLAS, TEXAS, UNITED STATES, May 5, 2023/ -- Global nonprofit, Wine To Water (WTW) is hosting a private premiere screening event for their new documentary, Beyond Water. Attendees will have the opportunity to meet the Wine To Water founder and CNN Hero, Doc Hendley.‍The event will be held Tuesday, May 16 from 6 to 8 p.m. at Studio Movie Grill, 452 Lincoln Square in Arlington.

The evening will include a Q&A with Hendley, three volunteers whose experience is depicted in the film, and Texas Agriculture Commissioner, Sid Miller. Miller will provide his input on how water issues are affecting Texas communities.“We purposely selected Texas as their commitment to the environment and Earth Day are evident with events like EarthX,” said Hendley. “We are pleased to host this groundbreaking premiere event in the heart of Texas.”

Founded in 2004, WTW has made an impact all over the world developing hygiene practices in schools, digging wells for villages, and providing water filters to families in need. These families often walk miles a day just to bring water to their homes. The documentary tells the story of some of these individuals and the WTW volunteers from different countries, backgrounds and beliefs, all moved by the same plight.

Beyond Water was filmed in Nepal, the Amazon and Dominican Republic, and was created in association with WTW global partner, Lenovo. The theme “beyond water” reinforces integrated water and sanitation initiatives which are key for creating impacts that lead to transformational change. Water is only the beginning – clean water leads to economic sustainability, education, women’s empowerment, healthcare, and economic growth.

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February 7, 2025

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