Written by Miles Arbour

Back after a brief hiatus, we’re excited to present the Rigs of the 2021 Tour Divide! Find details on more than 70 bikes here, including the gear this year’s riders are bringing along for their roughly 2,400-mile journey…

I think everyone can agree that we missed following the Tour Divide last year. And although the 2021 event won’t look quite like previous grand departs, we’re excited to get back on track with our Rigs of the Tour Divide tradition.

For those who aren’t aware, the US-Canadian border still isn’t open for recreational travel. As such, the majority of southbound riders will be starting in Eureka, Montana, at the Roosville Border Crossing, at noon on June 11th. Despite the changes and uncertainty, we were able to compile a list of over 70 rigs that will be out on the route this year, be that on the unofficial start date of Friday, June 11th, or at some other time this summer.

P.S. I’s worth noting a few stats from the group. There are 39 bikes with drop bars and 33 with flat bars. 13 of those rigs are using racks and 59 have rackless bag setups. Read on for details. And after checking out the rigs, head over to the 2021 Tour Divide event page to follow along live.

Find the details on the various bikes headed out on this journey here.


October 18, 2024

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