Los mejores repelentes de mosquitos para niños y adultos 2020

We scoured the scientific literature, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) website, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) publications, and researched the distribution of insects and diseases around the country. In the end, we came away with a pretty good understanding of which bug sprays and lotions are most effective against tick-borne and mosquito-borne illnesses, which are the safest bug sprays and lotions for kids, and how and when to apply them to ensure the best protection. Below is our list of the top 5 best best mosquito repellents for kids (and adults!), followed by our in-depth reviews of several different options.

See the full article on Mommyhood101's website here.


October 18, 2024

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The best way to keep ticks off of you is to use THIS tip! Ticks cause lyme disease (and other harmful diseases) so it's important to prevent them from biting your skin in the first place.

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