Sawyer Water Filter Review Average Hiker

The Sawyer Water Filter Review describes a filter that is easy to use, reliable, and durable. After a lot of research, I decided to use this filter on my 2020 Colorado Trail hike.

Sawyer makes the Sawyer Squeeze and the Sawyer Mini.  The Sawyer Mini is a lighter filter, but I need a durable filter that is not prone to clogging like the Sawyer Mini Filter.  The Sawyer Squeeze is only one ounce more than the Mini.

Sawyer Water Filter Review – My Requirements

  • Bacteria & Protozoa Removal – I am not too concerned about virus removal since I mostly backpack and hike in the US.  If this changes, then I will look at alternatives like pump filters or chemical treatments.
  • Ease of Use – When I filter, I do not want a lot of moving parts like hoses, batteries, canisters, etc.
  • Light Weight – Weight is essential.  Filters and treatments are not that heavy, but a few extra ounces here and there eventually add up to a few extra pounds.

Sawyer Water Filter Review – Quick Specifications

  • Filter Material – Hollow Fiber
  • Weight – 3 oz
  • Removes – Bacteria, Protozoa, E. Coli, Giardia, Vibrio Cholera, Salmonella typhi, Microplastics

Read the Average Hiker's complete review of the Sawyer Squeeze Water Filter here.


October 24, 2024

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Menciones en los medios de Average Hiker

Ser mochilero siempre ha formado parte de mi vida y ha contribuido a la persona que soy hoy: independiente, seguro de mí mismo, autosuficiente, etc.

En la era de las redes sociales y la sobrecomunicación, me gusta compartir los conocimientos que he adquirido, pero en el fondo sigo siendo introvertido y me siento más cómodo extrayendo mi energía de la naturaleza que me rodea.

Después de 35 años, y más de 20.000 millas de mochilero y excursionista, espero que este sitio (siempre un trabajo en progreso) puede ofrecer algunos consejos y puntos de vista sobre el pasatiempo que amo.

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Please consider the environment when packing bug repellent as what you put on will end up in the freshwater rivers and streams of Kauai.

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Menciones en los medios de comunicación

The mini-me version of the Sawyer Squeeze is the perfect filter for UL enthusiasts—small enough that it won’t take up much real estate in your backpacking backpack and light enough (even after the final weigh-in) that you can scrub an ounce or more off your spreadsheet.

Laura Lancaster
Vida al aire libre

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Its lightweight and non-greasy formula make it a popular choice among outdoor enthusiasts.

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