Effective Measures for Repelling Nature’s Mini Munchers

For every pound of human on the planet there are nearly 300 pounds of insects – that’s a lot of bugs!

Insects are just about everywhere, and they can truly bug you when you’re deep in the backwoods or having a picnic in your backyard. From mildly annoying to stress-inducing and potentially lethal, the buzzing and biting of flies, mosquitoes and the stinging from bees can make any situation, survival or otherwise, much worse.

Insects can also bring to you more than just an uncomfortable time outside. They can carry and transmit serious diseases, cause respiratory and other medical issues to those allergic and in many areas throughout the world, be the number one cause of death.

The key to battling these tiny attackers of your tender skin is to be prepared far before you find yourself under their nonstop barrage. From spray repellents and lotions to help you taste bad, to physical means of blocking them from entering your working or sleeping space, to electronic means to allow science to lend a hand, knowing how to stop these creepy crawlies will bring you some much-needed peace to your outdoor life.

Read the full article by Michael D'Angona on American Survival Guide's website here.


October 24, 2024

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