Nick Brooks

Nick Brooks is the founder and owner of Outdoor Gear and Beer, a company dedicated to combining outdoor adventure with craft beer. Through outdoor education workshops held at local breweries and immersive outdoor experiences like hiking, camping, paddle trips, and fly fishing, Nick encourages people to explore the great outdoors in new and fun ways.

A native of Decatur, Georgia, Nick’s love for the outdoors began early. As the first-born of triplets, he grew up with a deep connection to nature, where activities like hiking, fishing, camping, and sailing weren’t just hobbies—they were a way of life. Nick’s unique perspective as a young African-American in the outdoors fuels his mission to make these experiences more inclusive for all. He’s passionate about diversifying the outdoor community and ensuring that people of all backgrounds feel welcome in nature.

In addition to running his business, Nick actively contributes to the outdoor industry by partnering with local environmental organizations and participating in service projects across the Southeast. He’s also a dedicated Scoutmaster for Troop 1906, sponsored by the men of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc., in East Point, GA. Nick serves on the council for Outdoors For All, an initiative based in Old Fort, NC, which works to create a more equitable and inclusive outdoor community.

On weekends, Nick can be found exploring the trails, reviewing outdoor gear and craft beer, or spending time with family and friends. His adventures include backpacking, fly-fishing, mountain biking, and overlanding his Toyota Tundra. Some of his favorite destinations include Smoky Mountain National Park, Big Bend National Park, and the remote expanses of the Arctic Wildlife Refuge. One of his most memorable adventures was backpacking the Teton Crest Trail in Grand Teton National Park with close friends.

Nick is deeply committed to promoting environmental stewardship and diversity in the outdoor space. He resides in Atlanta, GA, with his wife, two boys, and their Giant Schnauzer, Mingus.

Nick Brooks smiling at camera
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A Whitney Welcome: Embracing Identity on the Pacific Crest Trail

How did this accomplished thru-hiker change course in a major way halfway to Canada?

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